by STG Health Services Inc. - Based in Saskatchewan 🙂

ADHD Assessment

& Skills training

Understanding your needs and providing expert care is central to our online ADHD Assessment Services and Treatment for adults and children. At our clinic, we excel in comprehensive diagnostic evaluations that examine both behavioural and cognitive aspects of ADHD. These evaluations enable accurate identification of ADHD in individuals of all ages, forming the basis for personalized treatment plans that emphasize skills training.

Our assessments are conducted by healthcare professionals with expertise in ADHD, ensuring that each client receives tailored support. This detailed approach not only includes medication management but focuses significantly on skills training to enhance organization, time management, and social interactions. Such training is pivotal in helping our clients improve their daily functioning and overall quality of life, making each step in their journey towards better understanding and managing ADHD truly impactful.


Starting in Spring 2024, we’re introducing a new assessment and treatment process that puts you at the center of everything. Our team of professionals has over 20 years of experience working with ADHD, ensuring you receive expert care tailored to your needs.

Starting in Fall 2024, we’re introducing a new, child-friendly program designed to boost your child’s development and help them thrive. Our therapists are not only experienced in child development but are also licensed teachers in Saskatchewan. This unique combination allows us to effectively support your child’s growth in various skills.


Rooted in science

Focus on What works

Understanding and treating ADHD starts with a careful assessment where we talk to you and use special tests to figure out your specific needs. If ADHD is identified, we may recommend medications that help improve focus and calmness. Alongside medication, we offer skills training. This includes learning more helpful ways to organize, manage time, and interact with others. These steps are designed to fit your unique situation, helping you use your strengths to overcome difficulties. This complete approach helps each person with ADHD to succeed to the best they can with the tools and skills they have.

The Process


Take a short self-assessment to check for ADHD symptoms. Fill out additional questionnaires depending on your initial results to look at your broader mental health (2 to 30 minutes).

Make an appointment with your therapist for a comprehensive evaluation of the result as well as an in-depth interview (1 to 2 hours).



A customized treatment plan with options depending if you were diagnosed with ADHD or not will be discussed (30 minutes).

Depending on a diagnosis, medical treatment, psychoeducation, and skills training psychotherapy can be started (or a combination of either).


Chris de Feijter

Managing Partner

At our practice, we understand that every individual with ADHD is unique. That’s why we offer a personalized, holistic approach to treatment. We start with an accurate diagnosis and then create a comprehensive plan tailored just for you. This plan includes a combination of medication management, psychotherapy, and skills training to help you address the challenges of ADHD.

Our goal is to empower you to manage your symptoms effectively and improve your success in daily life. With our continuous support and guidance, we’re here to help you navigate your journey with ADHD, enhancing your ability to achieve your personal and professional goals.

I hope to meet you soon!

Chris de Feijter EdD., MACP.

Wait list registration

The Sask ADHD Waitlist registration form is now available. If you would like to be one of the first individuals in Saskatchewan benefiting from our ADHD services, please enter your details below. All information is stored confidentially by STG Health Services Inc.

Intake Form

  • I agree to the following statements: submitting this form will forward my information to STG Health Services Inc. (La Ronge Branch). I understand that incomplete forms or inquiries irrelevant to counselling and requesting an intake appointment will be discarded. All marketing and spam submissions will be deleted. 
  • I understand that I may receive a text message and an email about making an intake appointment when the services launch.
  • I understand that submitting this form does not provide crisis management or urgent mental health support. If I need help now, I will call the Health Line 811 immediately or contact 911.

Adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by persistent issues like inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that affect daily functioning and development. ADHD in adults is an extension of the childhood disorder and not a separate condition.

ADHD affects up to 5% of adults globally, making it a relatively common condition. However, many adults may remain undiagnosed due to a lack of awareness or access to diagnostic services.

Symptoms include difficulty maintaining attention, excessive activity, and acting without thinking. Adults with ADHD might struggle with disorganization, poor time management, restlessness, emotional outbursts, and forgetfulness.

Diagnosis involves an assessment by a healthcare professional, who will ask about current symptoms and childhood behavior. There are no lab tests for ADHD; diagnosis is based on medical history and observed symptoms.

Treatments include medications like stimulants and non-stimulants, psychotherapy, behavioral coaching, and lifestyle adjustments such as organizational strategies and routine building. Specific services can be accessed through platforms like, which provide localized support and resources.

Yes, strategies like maintaining a regular schedule, using organizational tools (planners, apps), and engaging in regular physical activity can help manage symptoms. Supportive relationships and structured environments also play a crucial role.

Yes, there are both in-person and online support groups that offer resources and community support to help manage ADHD. Organizations like CADDAC and CHADD provide additional resources and advocacy.

ADHD can lead to difficulties in relationships due to issues like poor listening skills and emotional impulsivity. In workplaces, it may cause challenges with time management and task completion. Communication strategies and workplace accommodations can be critical.

Medications, including stimulants and non-stimulants, are often a cornerstone of ADHD treatment, helping to improve focus and reduce impulsivity and hyperactivity. Medication plans should be tailored individually and monitored by healthcare providers.

Individuals suspecting they might have ADHD can seek assessments through specialized services like those offered by STG Health Services Inc. Initial assessments often involve detailed questionnaires about personal and professional life impacts.

STG Health Services Inc. is a corporation in Saskatchewan, providing private (mental) health services to anyone in Saskatchewan. STG stands for Saskatchewan Therapy Group. Several practices across Saskatchewan work together under the umbrella name of STG Health Services Inc. to provide innovative and integrated health services in a simplified manner.

NIHB and MN-S Approved Providers